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Sunday, November 24, 2013

Twitter Challenge

Admission....I have resisted using Twitter up to this point.  I had to create an account in a past course and Tweet a few things and follow my classmates, but that was it.  I entered this not understanding the world of Twitter, not understanding hashtags, and very resistant to learn.  That is why I forced myself to undertake this challenge.

Below you will find my log of the seven days.  My favorite thing about this project was finding really cool things to share with  my students to generate discussion in class.  Also, some great resources to use in the future.  The greatest challenge was just finding time on Friday and Sunday to pay attention to Twitter, as they were busy days from start to finish.  If it weren't for having a smartphone, I don't know how I'd always have time to "immerse" myself.  I will continue to use Twitter primarily for education and school connections.  Still resisting using it for personal sharing, but I love having access to the resources provided.

I can see the value in using Twitter with students, but I don't think I could get all of my parents on board teaching Middle School.  I always poll my classes to see what social networking they are actively using, and I still have many students whose parents do not allow access to these sites.  I think I will benefit more from using something like Edmodo with my students, but I will continue to check out Twitter for my own professional development.

Day 1:  Logged into my account, followed lots of people and organizations, never thought I could Tweet 6 times a day.  What could I possibly Tweet about?  Already annoyed by Donald Trump (thought he would be an interesting entrepreneur to follow), but still following.  Went to see who it was suggested I follow, and picked several people.  Then searched categories for ideas of who to follow.  Also, went into settings so I had to approve followers--still not so sure.

Day 2:  Realized retweeting articles for my students (well, future students...not sure how incorporating this into middle school will work yet), and using hashtags.  I'm starting to get it, and realizing they allow for my students to find my tweets quickly.  Also searching hashtags to see what others with my same thoughts are posting.  My favorite so far is #lifeofateacher.  Realizing that strange people are requesting to follow me--not sure I want to be so public yet, and wondering if they're finding me because of hashtags or who I'm following.  Hmmmm.  A little annoyed with Wall Street Journal--can't see their full articles unless I login or subscribe--they might have the same fate as Donald.  I'll wait a few days.  Got my first "Favorite"!
 Very excited.  Also, shared info learned with my Career Concepts students.  We study entrepreneurs--lots of cool info.  Found a cool article on 100 Best Websites for Entrepreneurs.

Day 3:  Still enjoying Twitter.  Actually Tweeted some personal things deciding it doesn't ALL have to be educational.  Decided to learn a few things. FINALLY understand hashtag and its concept as a searchable term.  Searched for one I keep using to connect with others--#lifeofateacher.  Now I know I can follow what others are saying with the same hashtag and find people with the same interests.
Also learned how hashtags are now being used for advertising to get people to spread positive press on Twitter.  Virgin America put #nerdbird on its new plane for this purpose.
Photo above is screenshot from the video tutorial below.

Day 4:  Finding more resources today!!  Like this great Edmondo cheat sheet that I am going to check out for this week's project:

Also, great compliment today!!....Several of my colleagues are paying attention to my Twitter and replying to my posts!!  Very cool.  Today, Chris McCaffrey, our Instructional Technology Coach, is paying attention!!  Also, as he is implementing our district's first 1:1 initiative, I was excited to follow my school's 1:1 Twitter page!!

Day 5:  This is my admission day...It's Friday, I took a personal day off of work to go to the settlement of my grandfather's house, then visit my daughter's school, then spend the day with mom as we all felt the bitter-sweet emotions of selling the family homestead, then time with friends at happy hour, then time with hubby relaxing.  Made the realization last Friday night that I didn't even really look at Twitter.  In fact, didn't even do my photo of the day project and suddenly grateful for the capabilities of my smart phone.  I quickly checked out Twitter to find articles beneficial for my curriculum to retweet, downloaded the Blogger App to complete my entry for the day on my phone, searched for my photo of the day topic, took and edited my picture, posted my photo blog entry, and added to this Twitter blog entry...and I didn't even have to get out of bed to do any of it!  Loving technology at the moment--good night!

Day 6:  One of my favorite followings on Twitter = Edudemic, "Connecting Education and Technology" (screen shot below). Great article on the power of infographics!!  I think I like this site so much because most information they share is in an infographic format, so it comes as no surprise that they would post and article about the power of presenting information in this way.  Click here for a great example of their presenting social media shortcuts through the use of infographics.
Wanted to try something different today, so signed up for Tweetdeck.  Talk about Social Immersion!!  As if keeping track of one list wasn't enough, now I can watch multiple ones at the same time.  I can see my life getting lost in Twitter!  lol!!  I'll be honest, this is too much for me--I am a bit overstimulated right now.  However, if there are a few favorite followings on Twitter accounts, and people want a quick snapshot of just those account feeds, versus all, I can see the value in this tool.

Day 7:  A busy day for soccer mom, but 6 tweets later....I am glad I took this challenge!!  Found some GREAT resources throughout this, and will continue to do so.  Feeling like a #twitterfan!

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