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Sunday, November 24, 2013

Integrating Social Networking

The following lesson is for my 7th Grade Web 2.0 Career Concepts class.  I feel an age-appropriate social networking experience could be achieved through  This way, students could get the posting experience and also learn how to appropriately respond, communicate and collaborate with classmates, while still under my "watchful eye".  A lesson I have had since the creation of the course is studying Entrepreneurs and what makes them so successful.  I feel this would be a great opportunity to incorporate social networking and the kids could learn about many entrepreneurs instead of just one!

Entrepreneur Lesson
Using Edmodo and it's collaborative features, students will learn about various entrepreneurs and how to interact and collaborate using social media.

Through the use of a Social Networking Site, students will learn and share information about a chosen entrepreneur.  This will include the following:
  • Good/Service Created
  • Biography, Personal Background
  • Career History
  • Famous Quote or Saying
  • Successes and Failures
  • Questions about other Entrepreneurs
  • Videos/Photos/Audio/Web 2.0 Sites to Enhance Learning
1.  Join Mrs. Zep's Entrepreneur Group on Group code = zcga4b 
2.  Students will choose an Entrepreneur, and make a post with their person and why they want to research this person.  Classmates will respond to two other student posts with a question and a compliment.
3.  Students will complete Assignment #1--the Glogster.

Click here for Mrs. Zep's Sample Glogster.

 4.  Next, students will embed their Glogsters in a Post, and all classmates will evaluate at least 5 classmates' Glogsters with comments and questions.  Students are all expected to reply back.

5.  Students will complete a Blabberized Entrepreneur with Quote.  This is Assignment #2 in Edmodo.

Click here for Mrs. Zep's Sample Blabberized Kroc.

Students will embed or link their Blabberized characters in a Post, and all classmates will respond to at least 2 classmates' posts.  Student responses should include why they think that quote is significant.  Students are expected to reply back.

6.  Mrs. Zep will Post multiple links for the students to read throughout the course to simulate a "Twitter Feed".  Students will pick one of the posted sites, and they will complete a Reading Prompt in a Google Doc summarizing the post, and also responding to why they think it's important.  They will share the prompt with a classmate and allow for commenting for peer editing before submission.
Example Posts:

7.  Each Students will Be Responsible for Posting 3 links to articles and/or videos pertaining to Entrepreneurs throughout the lesson time, and commenting on at least two other classmates' posts.


Glogster Grade--50 pts.
Glogster Response Grade--10 pts. (2 pts. per response)
Blabberize Grade--15 pts. (5 pts. for working link, 5 pts. for image, 5 pts. for narration)
Blabberize Response Grade--4 pts. (2 pts. per response)
Reading Prompt Grade--30 pts.
Posts--15 pts. (5 pts. per post--any topic about entrepreneurs will count)
Post Response Grade--4 pts. (2 per response)
Profile Update--2 pts. (This is a "freebie"--Students need to fill in some info.)
**Rubrics are linked, and all rubrics are from Kathy Schrock's Guide to Everything.
Total Unit Grade:  130 pts.

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