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Saturday, November 2, 2013

Dig Deeper into the Mainstays--Curation Sites

The curation tool I chose was Symbaloo. I loved this site, and recreated a resource list I had for my students into a Symbaloo for Creative Commons and Public Domain resources. As I looked at this site, a Steve Jobs video came to mind where he spoke of the impact of Apps. He shared how he thought the next big thing in research was no longer the concept of a search engine, but the use of an App. This truly hit home with Symbaloo. I always had my resources listed as links on a web page for my students. My students often groaned a bit when they accessed my webpage filled with links (yes, I heard them!). Now, they love the App look of the Symballoo--what a difference! They think it's fun to use. I found teachers using Symbaloo for a variety of purposes other than just listing resources. Examples include a virtual field trip for students, differentiated research, a class challenge, and even an entire Keyboarding/Tech curriculum.

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