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MrsZep Blog by KZep is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Photo-A-Day Challenge

I LOVED this challenge!!!  Photo editing is one of my favorite tasks to do on the computer, and I loved having the starting point of a daily idea from the site Project Life 365.

My Posts can be Found at:
Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7
 #zepslife365photos and #zepsphotoimmersion

In addition to taking a photo for the daily theme, I found myself looking deeper into the meaning of the task, and even trying to be a little abstract in my photos and my ideas.  Reflecting on the picture and justifying its connection would be a great activity for my students.  I would really like to complete this same kind of week-long immersion with my students and really push the reflective aspect of this project.  This would be a great way to introduce design elements, patterns and textures, etc, by giving one challenge per day.  The students could evaluate each other's photos and it could even become a class challenge.  I will definitely use this in the future.

Example of Pattern

 Example of Texture

This is also a great opportunity for photo editing.  Students could be challenged to use editing from apps like BeFunky, Photo Editor, or Tadaa if they are using their smart phones to take pictures.  They could justify why they chose the particular effect to create or enhance the mood or emotion.  I found editing my photos to be part of the fun of the project.
Photo Editor

Finally, it was so easy to work with the smartphone and upload pics right to my Blogger Post using the Blogger App.  Students could work on this at school or at home.  Again, I LOVED this project!!

Blogger App

Twitter Challenge

Admission....I have resisted using Twitter up to this point.  I had to create an account in a past course and Tweet a few things and follow my classmates, but that was it.  I entered this not understanding the world of Twitter, not understanding hashtags, and very resistant to learn.  That is why I forced myself to undertake this challenge.

Below you will find my log of the seven days.  My favorite thing about this project was finding really cool things to share with  my students to generate discussion in class.  Also, some great resources to use in the future.  The greatest challenge was just finding time on Friday and Sunday to pay attention to Twitter, as they were busy days from start to finish.  If it weren't for having a smartphone, I don't know how I'd always have time to "immerse" myself.  I will continue to use Twitter primarily for education and school connections.  Still resisting using it for personal sharing, but I love having access to the resources provided.

I can see the value in using Twitter with students, but I don't think I could get all of my parents on board teaching Middle School.  I always poll my classes to see what social networking they are actively using, and I still have many students whose parents do not allow access to these sites.  I think I will benefit more from using something like Edmodo with my students, but I will continue to check out Twitter for my own professional development.

Day 1:  Logged into my account, followed lots of people and organizations, never thought I could Tweet 6 times a day.  What could I possibly Tweet about?  Already annoyed by Donald Trump (thought he would be an interesting entrepreneur to follow), but still following.  Went to see who it was suggested I follow, and picked several people.  Then searched categories for ideas of who to follow.  Also, went into settings so I had to approve followers--still not so sure.

Day 2:  Realized retweeting articles for my students (well, future students...not sure how incorporating this into middle school will work yet), and using hashtags.  I'm starting to get it, and realizing they allow for my students to find my tweets quickly.  Also searching hashtags to see what others with my same thoughts are posting.  My favorite so far is #lifeofateacher.  Realizing that strange people are requesting to follow me--not sure I want to be so public yet, and wondering if they're finding me because of hashtags or who I'm following.  Hmmmm.  A little annoyed with Wall Street Journal--can't see their full articles unless I login or subscribe--they might have the same fate as Donald.  I'll wait a few days.  Got my first "Favorite"!
 Very excited.  Also, shared info learned with my Career Concepts students.  We study entrepreneurs--lots of cool info.  Found a cool article on 100 Best Websites for Entrepreneurs.

Day 3:  Still enjoying Twitter.  Actually Tweeted some personal things deciding it doesn't ALL have to be educational.  Decided to learn a few things. FINALLY understand hashtag and its concept as a searchable term.  Searched for one I keep using to connect with others--#lifeofateacher.  Now I know I can follow what others are saying with the same hashtag and find people with the same interests.
Also learned how hashtags are now being used for advertising to get people to spread positive press on Twitter.  Virgin America put #nerdbird on its new plane for this purpose.
Photo above is screenshot from the video tutorial below.

Day 4:  Finding more resources today!!  Like this great Edmondo cheat sheet that I am going to check out for this week's project:

Also, great compliment today!!....Several of my colleagues are paying attention to my Twitter and replying to my posts!!  Very cool.  Today, Chris McCaffrey, our Instructional Technology Coach, is paying attention!!  Also, as he is implementing our district's first 1:1 initiative, I was excited to follow my school's 1:1 Twitter page!!

Day 5:  This is my admission day...It's Friday, I took a personal day off of work to go to the settlement of my grandfather's house, then visit my daughter's school, then spend the day with mom as we all felt the bitter-sweet emotions of selling the family homestead, then time with friends at happy hour, then time with hubby relaxing.  Made the realization last Friday night that I didn't even really look at Twitter.  In fact, didn't even do my photo of the day project and suddenly grateful for the capabilities of my smart phone.  I quickly checked out Twitter to find articles beneficial for my curriculum to retweet, downloaded the Blogger App to complete my entry for the day on my phone, searched for my photo of the day topic, took and edited my picture, posted my photo blog entry, and added to this Twitter blog entry...and I didn't even have to get out of bed to do any of it!  Loving technology at the moment--good night!

Day 6:  One of my favorite followings on Twitter = Edudemic, "Connecting Education and Technology" (screen shot below). Great article on the power of infographics!!  I think I like this site so much because most information they share is in an infographic format, so it comes as no surprise that they would post and article about the power of presenting information in this way.  Click here for a great example of their presenting social media shortcuts through the use of infographics.
Wanted to try something different today, so signed up for Tweetdeck.  Talk about Social Immersion!!  As if keeping track of one list wasn't enough, now I can watch multiple ones at the same time.  I can see my life getting lost in Twitter!  lol!!  I'll be honest, this is too much for me--I am a bit overstimulated right now.  However, if there are a few favorite followings on Twitter accounts, and people want a quick snapshot of just those account feeds, versus all, I can see the value in this tool.

Day 7:  A busy day for soccer mom, but 6 tweets later....I am glad I took this challenge!!  Found some GREAT resources throughout this, and will continue to do so.  Feeling like a #twitterfan!

Photo-A-Day, Day 7

From Project Life 365

re·lay  (rl)
1. An act of passing something along from one person, group, or station to another.

Today, my daughter's soccer team won first place in their tournament, and last week they won first place in playoffs for the season.  Very proud mom moment.....and all possible due to the teamwork and hard work of the girls as they strategically "relayed" the ball!!

Integrating Social Networking

The following lesson is for my 7th Grade Web 2.0 Career Concepts class.  I feel an age-appropriate social networking experience could be achieved through  This way, students could get the posting experience and also learn how to appropriately respond, communicate and collaborate with classmates, while still under my "watchful eye".  A lesson I have had since the creation of the course is studying Entrepreneurs and what makes them so successful.  I feel this would be a great opportunity to incorporate social networking and the kids could learn about many entrepreneurs instead of just one!

Entrepreneur Lesson
Using Edmodo and it's collaborative features, students will learn about various entrepreneurs and how to interact and collaborate using social media.

Through the use of a Social Networking Site, students will learn and share information about a chosen entrepreneur.  This will include the following:
  • Good/Service Created
  • Biography, Personal Background
  • Career History
  • Famous Quote or Saying
  • Successes and Failures
  • Questions about other Entrepreneurs
  • Videos/Photos/Audio/Web 2.0 Sites to Enhance Learning
1.  Join Mrs. Zep's Entrepreneur Group on Group code = zcga4b 
2.  Students will choose an Entrepreneur, and make a post with their person and why they want to research this person.  Classmates will respond to two other student posts with a question and a compliment.
3.  Students will complete Assignment #1--the Glogster.

Click here for Mrs. Zep's Sample Glogster.

 4.  Next, students will embed their Glogsters in a Post, and all classmates will evaluate at least 5 classmates' Glogsters with comments and questions.  Students are all expected to reply back.

5.  Students will complete a Blabberized Entrepreneur with Quote.  This is Assignment #2 in Edmodo.

Click here for Mrs. Zep's Sample Blabberized Kroc.

Students will embed or link their Blabberized characters in a Post, and all classmates will respond to at least 2 classmates' posts.  Student responses should include why they think that quote is significant.  Students are expected to reply back.

6.  Mrs. Zep will Post multiple links for the students to read throughout the course to simulate a "Twitter Feed".  Students will pick one of the posted sites, and they will complete a Reading Prompt in a Google Doc summarizing the post, and also responding to why they think it's important.  They will share the prompt with a classmate and allow for commenting for peer editing before submission.
Example Posts:

7.  Each Students will Be Responsible for Posting 3 links to articles and/or videos pertaining to Entrepreneurs throughout the lesson time, and commenting on at least two other classmates' posts.


Glogster Grade--50 pts.
Glogster Response Grade--10 pts. (2 pts. per response)
Blabberize Grade--15 pts. (5 pts. for working link, 5 pts. for image, 5 pts. for narration)
Blabberize Response Grade--4 pts. (2 pts. per response)
Reading Prompt Grade--30 pts.
Posts--15 pts. (5 pts. per post--any topic about entrepreneurs will count)
Post Response Grade--4 pts. (2 per response)
Profile Update--2 pts. (This is a "freebie"--Students need to fill in some info.)
**Rubrics are linked, and all rubrics are from Kathy Schrock's Guide to Everything.
Total Unit Grade:  130 pts.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Photo-A-Day, Day 6

From Project Life 365

In fourth grade she came bouncing over to my classroom, the most outgoing girl in the school, to seek me out to exchange pictures.  Me, the shyest kid, and that was the moment Jessica Prutzman and I became the best of friends.  If anyone who knows me just read me describe myself as shy, they would think I am a liar, but I give Jessica all the credit in the world for pulling me out of my shell (well, before the Bonanno gene kicked in completely) and together we have gone through it all.  Still do.  Ready to celebrate our 40th birthdays in a few months, I am blessed and grateful to have this special person in my life.  LYLAS Prutz!

Photo-A-Day, Day 5

Thought I'd try to throw some emotion into this particular reason, no particular thought, just thinking back to all the times in my life where I had no sense of direction.  We've all had those low points, and those hills to climb, and we know as life moves on that everything serves a purpose.  But when in those low places, we often get lost in ourselves,which is what I wanted to portray here.  

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Photo-A-Day, Day 4

This question was very appropriate, and sad, for me today, because today I had to say goodbye to the place in my life that always brought me instant "peace"--my grandparents' home.  My photo is of my grandfather's machine shop, which he built on his property when he came home from World War II.  My grandmother always told the story how she saved money for him to buy suits to get a job when he got home, and he took the money and went and bought second-hand lumber to begin his project.  The shop was originally built for my grandfather and his brother, the "racer", to work on their stock cars.  After the stock car phase was over, he began to build his business and his "collection".  My grandfather was a machinist by trade, leaving high school for an apprenticeship at the local textiles.  He was the smartest man I ever knew, and my grandmother the strongest woman.  Having living through the depression, there was nothing they couldn't overcome, and nothing they ever took for granted, including each other.  They were married for 70 years.  Their home, including my grandfather's shop, was my sanctuary.  The place where no matter what was happening, suddenly everything was ok thanks to their welcoming arms and insightful words.  Two years after my grandfather's death (my grandmother 5 years before him), our family finally sold their home, and tomorrow is settlement.  Today, I had to go and say goodbye to my place of "peace".

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Photo-A-Day, Day 3

Ok, so this is not normally my ride...but it was today.  My car is getting inspected so today I got to use our pickup.  I always feel a little out of my element when I drive my husband's work truck, like I'm pretending to be someone else.  I don't know if it's because I have to step up into it, or all the tools inside (which I am completely clueless about), or just that I feel like if I'm driving it I should be towing a boat (which I wish I was, I once towed a 20 foot boat all the way home from Key West).  Regardless, it was my ride today.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Photo-A-Day, Day 2

I chose this pic for two reasons...the chair and the dog.  This chair (one of 4) represents my first upholstery project ever.  After taking out a thousand staples (resulting in many blisters and sore fingers) I picked out this "Line" material and recovered our chairs.  I felt like Martha Stewart (I've always been more a "Tool Time Girl" than Martha).  I was really proud of this project, and found a love for re-purposing--a hobby I plan to spend more time on in the future.  Ok, the dog....this is Sniffy, our 8-year-old Shitzu that my daughter named when she was 3.  Sniffy looks cute, but attacks often.  She attacks us, often.  This is her morning spot--on the "lines", and our morning routine involves her growing at me when it's time to go into her cage.  You can see, she's got the look, she's ready to pounce.  And so the morning begins....Sniffy and the "Lines".

Monday, November 18, 2013

Digital Story Created with a Cell Phone

I knew I was going to be an educator when...

Gathering files:
Without a Storyboard to begin, I decided to take my phone one day at school and begin capturing pictures and videos. I used the camera of my iPhone to capture Video and Images.  I then decided to make use of my Vine account, and also captured some video with Vine.  I wasn't sure how to handle my actual story and script, so I decided to simply prop up my phone at my desk, and speak from the heart.  Finally, I recorded an audio file of my voice using my iPhone's Voice Memo App for an added multimedia feature for my film.  

Uploading on the phone:
I went right to my WeVideo App on my iPhone to upload all of my files into a new video.  (I was not able to upload my audio file, so it had to be emailed from my phone to my Gmail account, then downloaded to the computer, then uploaded into WeVideo later when logged onto the computer.)  I have to say, capturing files using my phone was very easy and very handy, and the ability to upload them right away to WeVideo on the phone was very handy.  I know my students often  have trouble getting files from cameras, flash drives, etc. uploaded to the computer, whether it's a cord issue or a file format issue, or some other issue.  Using the phone to capture and upload was seamless--another reason to justify devices in the classroom!

Editing in WeVideo on the Computer:
The most time consuming part of this task was figuring out the order in which to place my media files, adding transitions, titles, and music, and trimming videos and working on timing.  WeVideo froze up a few times, which was frustrating, but the nature of the game with Web 2.0 tools. 

I really enjoyed this project, and it was nice to reflect back on why I entered this job in the first place.  It changed my attitude a little the past week, as I thought about my original intentions.  I feel blessed to be a part of education.

Photo-A-Day, Day 1

Getting Ready to Start my Photo Immersion Project... 
Did some research, and really liked the ideas from Project Life 365.
Every day there is a theme.  Today is Day 1 of my photo challenge, and the theme is #IN_THESE_SHOES.

My first Photo Entry
November 18, 2013
This theme reminded me of how I wear many "hats", but truth is, the shoes are really what defines my life.  I realized this morning there are three phases of my day.  I start my day at 4:30 am (when I grade papers because the house is quiet) in my favorite comfortable footwear.  Then, at 6:00 am, the professional/work shoes go on, and the day begins!  At 4:00 pm, I come home, change into exercise wear with my sneakers, and battle the effects of turning 40 in a few months, and then become super-mom running around to all of the kids activities.  Finally, around 9:00 pm, I cycle back to the comfortable attire and my favorite shoes of the day--the same ones I wake up to, and slow down the pace of life relaxing with my family before we all wake up and do it all over again!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Mobiles in the Classroom--Interview

On Monday and Tuesday of this week, I had the pleasure of attending a professional development workshop with a Google Trainer.  During this time I had an opportunity to talk to several colleagues in the high school regarding use of technology, specifically cell phones in the classroom. 

A Video Intro from Mr. Lapi

School Policy:  Our High School has an open cell phone policy, however at the Middle Schools cell phones are not to be used, unless granted permission from the building Principals.  I was surprised to hear the majority of high school teachers say they like the “BYOD” (Bring Your Own Device) concept.  I also learned that my counterpart at our other Middle School, Rick Lapi, was granted permission to allow his 8th Grade Multimedia students to use their devices for a variety of other tasks.  Rick and I teach the same curriculum.  I decided to interview Rick, as I was curious how our middle school age group was able to handle the responsibility of this privilege. 

Uses of Phones/Devices:  Rick said his students use a variety of devices, such as the Kindle, Galaxy, iPhone, iPad, iPod, etc.  His main purpose for using them is to gather images and videos for a summative assessment project regarding the application of different camera shots.  He said the kids do not typically use the phones for research, as many high school teachers do, simply because his room is a computer lab, and the kids use the PCs for the research component.    He has also used the devices for a text survey and classroom response system, group poling with the app, and surveys.  Rick also has cameras in his room for the student who do not have devices. 

Parental Involvement & Feedback:  As far as the parents are concerned, Rick has never had an issue with the kids who use their own devices.  He tells the kids to inform their parents they are allowed to use devices in his class, but does not require them, so there have been no problems.  I asked if the kids abuse the privilege, and just as the high school teachers shared, kids know when to put them away. I feel this comes down to enforcing rules right away at the start of the year and following through with consequences, just as any other classroom management issue.

Technical Challenges:  There were some technical challenges that Rick encountered.  The main issue in capturing images and video was how to get the files from the phone to computers.  If kids are logged into the phone settings under Wi-Fi as a “Guest”, they are unable to email themselves the pictures, as our firewall won’t allow this action.  Rick has cords to import the files to the computers, but only one cord for each different type of device, so the kids have to be patient and take turns—a challenging skill for our age group. 

What Rick Learned:  Rick learned that phones can be a valuable too.  The kids enjoy using them so increases engagement and interest.  He also feels if kids are allowed to use their own devices, it can help with budget constraints, eliminating the need for cameras and school resources for internet and research.  Like all technology little issues will pop up, and you have to be prepared for an alternative plan.  Being a computer teacher for almost two decades, Rick is used to technical issues and problems, so this is not something that is intimidating!  

What I Learned:  I learned, like most things, the success of mobile devices in the classroom depends on preparation, setting rules and guidelines, enforcing rules and guidelines, and having a Plan B.  I liked Rick's point about how students bringing in their own devices will directly assist in budgetary constraints.  I learned my school's mindset on the BYOD concept is a positive one where students can be productive and efficient. I am now better prepared to incorporate this in my own classroom, and have some positive benefits for learning to justify it.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Discovering Something New--iPiccy

I chose the Web 2.0 site iPiccy from Untangling the Web by Steve Dembo and Adam Bellow.  This fun and easy to use photo editing site would be perfect for my Middle School Kids.  What a great site for them to upload and edit pictures, add fun features like effects and borders, and download their creations.  I've used several photo editing sites before, and I was curious what iPiccy might offer that others didn't.  In addition to quick editing techniques, there are more sophisticated editing tools, like curves, levels, adjustments, thresholds, color balance and filters.  These are all high-level Photoshop skills my 8th graders learn using Adobe Photoshop.  
There are many effects very similar to other Web 2.0 photo editing sites, such as Gritty show here. 
***There is a feature that I found that I LOVE!!!  It's the Skin feature where you can paint a new skin color onto a picture, such as Sunny Tan below.  Changing skin color when layering multiple photos is the number one hardest thing my students struggle with in Adobe Photoshop.  This paint-on skin color option is easy and works great!!!! I just gave my daughter (far right) a tan in the pic below.  For this reason alone I will encourage my students to use this site!!! 
Another great feature that reminds me of Adobe Photoshop is the ability to work with layers.  You can add elements and every new object will remain as a separate editable layer until you choose to merge them all together. You can see the layers to the left, and how they look together in the picture to the right.
Finally, after experimenting with border and texture, it was very easy to simply save the file right to the computer.  This Web 2.0 tool is extremely user-friendly.  It offers tools for everyone, and even has tools for the more advanced photo editor, as mentioned above.  

Another great iPiccy tool is the Vector Mask--another advanced tool available in Adobe Photoshop.  Masking allows one to take part of one image, and combine it (or Layer it) with another image, so the end result looks like all layers were part of the same image in the first place!  This tool, along with the ability for Layering, makes iPiccy a very versatile site.
The Collage tool in iPiccy, shown below, illustrates Masking and Layering abilities.  The three images to the right were the start of my "Magazine Cover".  Using the ocean as a background, and Masking Sylvester and Arnold (my husband's childhood idols), I put together a mock Magazine Cover.  This Collage from iPiccy is a great way to show students the process of how several pictures can layer into one (that's my husband and daughter in the mix--they were Masked, too)!
What's great for my students is that no registration is required to use this site.  What's not great is the dating website advertisement that popped up at the bottom! As with any free Web 2.0 tool, beware of the ads.

Finally, click here for a link to my 8th Grade Webpage where I used the Collage to showcase the course.

Discovering Something New--Vine

 I chose Vine as a new tool to explore from a great collection of sites at Go2Web20.  I first experimented with the app on my phone.  My daughter downloaded this app to use a few months ago (she doesn't have an iphone, so uses mine often for apps).  I thought this would be a good staring point.  All I knew about Vine was it provided laugher for my daughter and her friends as they filmed goofy short videos.  Seeing how much my own 6th grader likes this app, I thought perhaps it might provide some useful purpose at school.  It's very easy to use.  The Menu has a Home option which will scroll through may public Vines posted by public users.  Here, just like many other social networking sites, you can Like and Comment on other user's Vine videos.  The menu has an Explore option to choose categories, like Comedy and Cats.  The Activity option shows what has been happening on your own account, such as if someone likes your post and who is following you.   And a Profile option where Settings can be managed, such as password information and how to find and connect with others. Then of course, in addition the the Menu button, there is a Record button.  Here is where the fun begins.  Users press a finger on the screen to record, and lifting your finger will pause the recording.  Users have 6 seconds to record and pause as many times as they want.  Then, you can choose whether or not to publicly post on Vine, Twitter and/or Facebook, and add a caption, location, and channel.  So, I filmed a normal night in my house (video above), which in 6 seconds shows what my daughter, husband, dog and myself engage in at 8:00 (notice the only one working!).

More In Vine:  What's great is the video automatically saves to your smart phone's photo library.  Then you can share it multiple ways outside of the Vine App such as in an email or message.  You can also film part of a Vine video, and save it to continue later. You can save up to ten sessions for later filming.  You can even edit finished Vines and rearrange the order of the clips.  There are more options than I expected in a 6 second production!  While filming, there are also some simple filming effects, such as the Ghost effect.

Use in Teaching:  I struggle with the educational value of Vine.  I looked online to see how other teachers are using Vine.  There is a site about how an English teacher uses Vine for Project-Basedlearning, having students pick a favorite character from Macbeth and become that character in 6 seconds. Also, a science teacher uses Vine (same link above) for lab experiments to replace lab notes. Again, I would need parent's permission to use this app, and I would also need to be sure all students had access to a device that allows for mobile apps.

**Criticism:  Although some educators have success using Vine, I still feel it is not the best tool for teaching.  It is a social site, and the privacy factor would have to be monitored and maintained.  Also, I feel the quick filming option would actually take away from the productivity factor.  Even in filming a silly video, I have witnessed my daughter and her friends film 20 takes until they got the Vine they wanted.  After all, you have seconds to get it right!  As I explored Vine's categories, I found very little with educational value, even in the News & Politics section.  Perhaps if Vine launched an educational contest, students and teachers might be more inspired to focus Vine in the classroom.  In addition, just as SchoolTube is to YouTube, Vine could dedicate a special App for the classroom.  

Discovering Something New--WeVideo

The first site I chose is from Kathy Schrok’s Guide to Everything.  I decided to check out the Online Video Editors, and picked WeVideo.  I have been teaching a video editing software program with my 8th graders for the past two years, and we always have a variety of issues with hardware and software.   Often my computers won’t detect my headphones and microphones, the program locks up and students haven’t saved, and often the kids don’t move files before importing them and Sony “loses” the file connection and then the kids have to start over.  The biggest issues are my network and computers can’t handle the program.  It was explained to me in much more elaborate terms from my tech department, but that’s the issue is simplistic terms.  Upon first looking over this site, I liked some obvious options .  I liked the Cloud feature so kids can access it anywhere, and also there will be no lost file issues.  (My Sony Vegas software is only available in my classroom and not the computer labs due to the expense of the software, so this problem would be solved with WeVideo.)  I also really liked how WeVideo has three different options for editing—accommodating all learning levels and allowing for differentiation.  (Sony Vegas is very sophisticated. We utilize the multiple tracks for audio and video.  The kids even create a Green Screen effect using the Chroma Keyer Effect.)  I also love the themes available in WeVideo; another quick editing tool for kids who are just starting with the basics and aren’t prepared for all of the effect options in Sony Vegas, and for those who just don’t have the time to add pizzazz.  I was very pleasantly surprised with all the options in WeVideo.  I like how the audio and video layers automatically add themselves as more items are imported into the timeline.  If students need to quickly create a video, I think the gallery of music and sound effects are really helpful.   I was also impressed with the further editing that can be done on the audio tracks, such as fading and controlling volume.  The recording option was so easy, also!  Photos and video could be edited in their placement so titles can be shown on the side. We the exception of the many effects we use in Sony Vegas, I was able to accomplish all of the fundamental tasks and operations we use in Sony Vegas.  The biggest bonus is the fact that WeVideo will not disconnect from files and kids can work on their videos anywhere they have the internet.   I also like how the Media link keeps a collection of all media used so it is accessible later on. 
An educational complaint with this site is the inability to download with the free version.  However, you can link it, embed it, or upload to some social media.  Also, students will not have the collaborative component to share for editing purposes with the free version.  Other than that, this site is great for my students and for personal use! As a Middle School teacher, I would have to get parents' permission for kids to make an account as many of my kids are still under 13.  I think this would be a great classroom tool.

Check out my first creation below.  It demonstrates use of multiple audio layers, recording, fading of music, importing pics, use of titles, use of effects, and transitions. Then, I wanted to see how the mobile app for WeVideo worked, so I took some pictures and images during a trip this past weekend at a local lodge where we celebrated my daughter's birthday with friends. I learned that the only real option available on the mobile app is to upload the media files. You have to log into WeVideo on a computer to access all other editing effects and features. What's nice, however, is you can get your video started while on the go via the app, then just spruce it up later when you have time. Below is my creation.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Fill Up Your Toolbox

First Task:  URL Shortening

I tried all of the shortening sites provided for both my school webpage and my grad course blog.
Shortening sites used:
Results are as follows:

My School Website: shortened to the following:

My Blog: shortened to the following:

While I see the value in these sites, my original web links weren't very long to begin with.  To see more of an impact, I chose my link for my copyright-friendly Symballoo resources. The real power is custom-editing the name! is great for this!

Here is the original link:
New link:
This shows the impact of using a shortening tool!  This will make life easier when reciting cites to students and anyone else.  One thing is for sure about Middle School Kids--anything new is exciting!  When I told the kids I made a new URL just for them, somehow they couldn't wait to write it down!  It will be so much easier to share the edited class name to anyone, especially verbally.  I'm thinking of my students and parents on parent's night--It's so much easier and less room for error to share my edited version.

One more sample:
 For my Web 2.0 Career Concepts course, I customized my link in to:
The original is:

I took a Google Training course and the instructor had the class take a survey.  He put a link on the screen.  It was very easy for the class to type in and quickly get to the Google Form through his link!

Final note:  the Google shortener automatically gives you number of clicks on your page AND a QR code!! also runs the stats of your site activity through the Stats link--very cool!

Second Task:  QR Code

I think this is my new favorite thing!!  I had no idea how easy it was to create these codes!  In many of the URL shortening sites, there is also a QR code generator. tells you to simply add the extension ".qr" to a shortened html link and a QR is automatically generated.  I was thinking what might be accessible to my middle school students, as we do not allow cell phones in school.  I always want my kids to read current events on the economy, job market, and careers in general.  Our local newspaper has a great Business Weekly section that kids should check out once a week.  I thought a good place to put this QR is in the hallway, because before school and after school are the only times kids can have cell phones out.  This way, they can quickly scan the code, which directs them to this weekly section of the paper.  They then have to report in with me and the class about what is happening in local business.  The QR below links you to this business section of the Reading Eagle newspaper:

This is the best tool I've used yet!  Suddenly, students couldn't wait to access the Business section with their phones. What a great way to generate interest!

Third Task:  Bookmarklets

The Bookmarklet I chose was Quietube.  One thing that drives me crazy about YouTube is all of the advertising and video suggestions that appear after watching a video.  We are lucky in my district to have access to YouTube, but we must still monitor carefully due to the potential for inn appropriate conduct.  That is why Quietube peaked my interest.  All I had to do was drag and drop the button to the menu bar at the top, go to YouTube, find a video and click on the Quietube button in the Menu Bar.  It is so easy!!!  The YouTube video automatically appears in the "safe" window--not ads or extras for the students to see!!  I will use this often as I project videos for the class.  I can't tell you how many times I was projecting a video and something questionable in its appropriateness appeared.  Quietube takes away the worry factor! Check out the print screens below to see a YouTube video in YouTube, then in the Quietube window.  It was nice to show videos without the worry of what crazy and inappropriate ads or suggestions might show, and to just get down to business and the task at hand.
Regular YouTube

Same Video in Quitetube

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Dig Deeper into the Mainstays--Curation Sites

The curation tool I chose was Symbaloo. I loved this site, and recreated a resource list I had for my students into a Symbaloo for Creative Commons and Public Domain resources. As I looked at this site, a Steve Jobs video came to mind where he spoke of the impact of Apps. He shared how he thought the next big thing in research was no longer the concept of a search engine, but the use of an App. This truly hit home with Symbaloo. I always had my resources listed as links on a web page for my students. My students often groaned a bit when they accessed my webpage filled with links (yes, I heard them!). Now, they love the App look of the Symballoo--what a difference! They think it's fun to use. I found teachers using Symbaloo for a variety of purposes other than just listing resources. Examples include a virtual field trip for students, differentiated research, a class challenge, and even an entire Keyboarding/Tech curriculum.

Dig Deep into the Mainstays--Creative Sites

The creative site I chose is Voicethread because this is the one I’ve used once in the past a long time ago. A VoiceThread is a great way for students to share ideas and concepts, and then respond to each other. My 7th grade students research three different careers in Web 2.0 Career Concepts. They then have to explain which career is best for them based on what they learned and the connection to their self analysis. I usually have them complete a short summary of their findings and present this information in a text box in a Glogster. I thought it might be a good idea to replace the textbox with a VoiceThread, so I tested this with a few students to see how it would work--click here to see the start of our thread. The kids really loved it, however, I realized very quickly that it needed some more preparation time on my part. The free account does not allow students to add their own slides, so this is something I had to set up ahead of time. I also encountered some microphone issues. But once I added slides for each student, the kids really enjoyed recording their voices. At the end of class they told me how much fun it was. I have to say, I was thrilled over their excitement for such a simple concept. We ran out of time, but they are looking forward to commenting on each others' work next week. I love the collaborative component of the VoiceThread, and will have the kids now comment on each others' entries and ask each other questions. Having used this, I thought of another idea for my 8th graders in Multimedia. They could post their Photoshop creations, and the classmates could share critiques right on the pages. I was wondering how other educators were using this tool. I found a VoiceThread filled with examples of how to use this tool in a variety of ways, such as a formative assessment, where students used a drawing tool to circle part of an artwork and then explain how the selection illustrated an art concept. Another teacher used the Voicethread for a class Book Talk. Another project had students post pod casts instead of audio recordings in a higher ed class for online reflection, which was neat because the classmates could actually see each other. Voicethread is definitely more interactive than what I thought, and I like the privacy aspect of the teacher account, as far as my students are concerned.

Dig Deeper into the Mainstays--Social Sites

The social site I picked to check out is Edmodo, because I am not familiar with this tool. I created an account, and immediately liked how I could create a class, post assignments, collect assignments, etc. I decided to see how it works with Multimedia files, as I’d like to experiment with it for that class to turn in videos, music, etc. I think this would be a great way for my students to explore social networking in a safe environment while learning proper netiquette in a social virtual community. I had students enter a class I created using a code. I linked an assignment for a Video Editing Unit. Then, students turned in their videos by uploading them right to the assignment. They were able to add comments and even rate how they felt about the assignment by clicking on a face. They loved this feature! I had to chuckle, because right away two students said, "Hey! This looks like Facebook!" (Which Steve Dembo and Adam Bellow even mention in their book, Untangling the Web.) When looking how others are using it, I learned even more options available in this site. For example, my students can group with other classrooms for further collaboration and communication. I also read about a feature called Backchannel discussions for real-time conversations, and teachers are using the Edmodo quiz builder to determine pre and post lesson learning. I read a blog post from Peter McAsh, a Computer Studies teacher at St. Marys DCVI in St. Marys, Canada who spoke about the co-teacher feature. This way, teachers can share assignments and students can work together. Also, if a teacher is curious about a class,the creator can also invite them to be a co-teacher, but make it “read only” so that student work and information cannot be accessed and privacy is maintained. There are many more uses of Edmodo. For additional classroom ideas, click in this great list.

Using New Technologies

When given the task of interviewing a colleague regarding his/her use of Web 2.0 tools, I decided to check in on a good friend of mine who I have taught with for over a decade. My friend Jackie Fox teaches 7th grade English, but in another building in my district, so I was not really sure what she has been up to regarding her use of technology. A year ago she was very excited to email me and share a Voice Thread project she completed with her 7th graders, as she was new to the world of Web 2.0. I am proud to say, as I found out last night, that she has not only continued her use of collaborative web tools, but she has reached “hot shot” status. Because of her efforts and use of Google Apps in the classroom, her Principal has asked her to teach her faculty how she incorporates Web 2.0 into her classroom learning. The following interview details our conversation. 1. How did you decide which Web 2.0 tools to use with your students? Jackie wanted an interactive, web-based, self-directed unit for her kids that also incorporated multimedia elements. This led her to use Google Apps, YouTube, and for a reading and writing unit. She set up shared folders in Google Apps for each student, so assignments could be shared and accessed virtually and she could go paperless. The entire United was created in a Google Presentation and shared with the students. First, students accessed a link to a PDF file of the story “The Third Wish”. After reading the story, they created a Popplet account and made a graphic organizer to prepare for their reading response. They shared their Popplets with Mrs. Fox so she could check their brainstorming before they wrote their response. Next, they embarked on another writing piece for a second story, "All Summer in a Day". Mrs. Fox, in the Google Presentation, linked to a non-fiction article about the planet Venus, as a reference to the planet is part of the fiction story the kids will read. The students then completed a pre-reading prediction of what they thought would happen in the fiction story based on the Venus article, and shared this Google Doc with Mrs. Fox by dropping it into their shared folders. While students then watched the embedded YouTube video about the story they were going to read, Mrs. Fox was able to look over their Google Docs to see if the kids were on track with their predictions. She was able to Comment back to the kids on their Docs about whether their pre-reading was right or wrong. Then the students could read the linked story, and complete their prompts, and share them with Mrs. Fox. All students could work at their own pace, as everything needed, including directions, were linked and/or embedded into the shared Google Presentation. The kids loved the virtual feel and collaborative element of the Unit. 2. What obstacles they needed to overcome to obtain permission to do such a project. The biggest issue using these tools, according to Jackie, was depending on all technologies working. Our school runs off of a very overloaded network. Having computers lock up or delay when online is par for the course. If every student tries to access an embedded video at the same time, often the system becomes super slow. This leads to Jackie’s answer to Question #3…. 3. What advice they would give to a teacher seeking to replicate their efforts. Jackie’s greatest advice to teachers who plan on using web-based applications is to have a “back-up” plan. Jackie is prepared to print out documents for each activity just in case there are network issues. Her other piece of advice for educators who want to use Google Apps is to start out the process right at the beginning of the school year, as students need to learn how to share in the Google App environment. Then, the rest of the year can be productive and a well-oiled machine regarding virtual collaboration, and true learning can take place. I have to agree with Jackie, as being a technology teacher, every day brings a new challenge in my computer lab. Sometimes it's a network issue, sometimes it's a web issue, sometimes it's a hardware issue. Few days bring no issues!! I always say, "Technology is wonderful, when it works!" Visit Jackie's webpage here to see the project mentioned above!