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Sunday, December 8, 2013

My Digital Portfolio
Our Final Course Project

I decided on two sites for my digital and  I checked out several sites for this project, and found these two the easiest to use.  I had trouble finding a single site that provided everything I was looking for, so I chose simplicity in my presentation.  I initially wanted the ability to embed videos and other elements, have room for text, photos, etc.  I found it difficult finding a site that allowed me to embed HTML code outside of the Google Sites, and I wanted to try something new, so I settled on for my main page, and also created a link to my  Below is a screenshot of my homepage.  I initially used the HTML code provided by to embed into Blogger, but it changed the layout, so I chose to include a hyperlink instead (below).  

My greatest internal debate with this project was deciding how much I really wanted to share.  For example, I did not link my Facebook as this is a personal site for me.  I even debated putting on my resume, however, I figure if people wanted to access information about me, there were already many sources, as evidenced in our Digital Dossier task!  I then debated who I was truly marketing to with this assignment.  Was it my students, my students' parents, or fellow educators with similar curriculum.  Also, with a marketing background, I know the value in continually promoting myself, as I constantly fear that Business Education will be phased out of schools.  Therefore, this site would be a great tool for networking purposes and job opportunities, should the need arise.  It was with that realization I chose to include my formal resume.  I included several links to sites I've used in the past several years, as well as my school website which has a lot of information about my classes and student exemplars.  This is a great opportunity to take all of the different pieces of technology we've gathered and created through the years, and give them a home base!  Hope you enjoy!!

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